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toddler activities

Toddler Milestones 24 Months

So what are the big toddler milestones 24 months to look out for ?

Should I be concerned if my toddler has not reached some of the milestones yet ?

You can find the answer to these and many other questions right here!

At this age your toddler will be showing thier own individual character. They are starting to know exactly what they like and don't like. They are very mobile now and they have thier favorite games and toys which they play with repeatedly.

They want to do new things and and be helpful. However they get frustrated easily if you won't let them for such reasons as safety. They may become upset if they struggle to do something that they have yet to learn the skills for.

This time is known as the "terrible twos" and as they can't always do as thay want and get frustrated by this. At this age they are becoming louder and will laugh and squeal when they are happy.

When it comes to playing they enjoy playing around other children but don't yet play together. This is known as parallel play where both children are playing by themselves but side by side.

Children at this age are starting to play make believe games. Pretending to make dinner and eat then it, also drinking from an empty cup.

A 2 year old toddler language development has come on to the point where they are using around 200 words. They will also recognise objects that you name and be able to point to them.

Some 2 year old are beginning to be ready to move out of diapers, while take a few months longer. Most children are out of diapers by 3 years old.

Quick list of things you might see at toddler milestones 24 months

  • Pointing and naming different objects
  • Avoids objects when running around (well mostly)
  • Walks upstairs without holding hands
  • Always asking questions
  • Uses more words and is understanding more words
  • Will repeat words like feet, hands, eyes and nose when asked by an adult.
  • Shows imagination
  • Singing songs and dancing
  • Tantrums if they can't do things they want and frustration when they struggle to do things
  • Happy and laughing when doing fun things
  • Liking to show you what they have done
  • enjoy playing on sit and ride toys
  • Running, jumping and climbing
  • Stacking wooden blocks and toddler jigsaws

  • Quick list of things a child requires at the toddler milestones 24 month

  • Parents who anticipates what thier toddler needs and wants
  • To be watched over constantly
  • A safe environment to live and play
  • Opportunity to explore and learn from the world around them
  • Time at the toddler playground using slides and swings. Also just kicking a balll about.
  • A good selection of toys that allow time to develop new skills.
  • Also encouraged in role playing, making dinner for thier teddy bears
  • Making time for cuddling and reading books together, singing nursery rhymes
  • Parents that play with thier children

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