toddler activities

toddler activities

Kids Trifle Recipe

Trifle Ingredients:


Custard powder or fresh

(568ml) 1 Pint of Milk for custard powder

1 packet Jelly (jello)

3/4 pint of boiling water

Sponge cake round 1 inch thick

Whipped cream

2 Tablespoons of sugar

Chocolate sprinkles


Make the custard as directed mixing with 1 pint of milk and 2 tablespoons of sugar. Then leave to cool

Place the sponge cake in the bottom of your dessert bowl.

Next make the jelly with 3/4 pint of boiling water.

Then pour over the warm jelly to soak into the sponge cake. This will be the base layer and needs to be left to cool. When cool put in the refridgerator for an hour or until it becomes firm.

Remove from the refrigerator and pour over the custard spreading around to become the second layer.

Finally cover with a layer of whipped cream, this is the top and final layer of this dessert. Then to finish sprinkle on the chocolate decoration

This a very sweet dessert and a very child friendly recipe. Kids will love this any day of the weeks, but it will go down a storm at childrens parties. I love it so much when I made it today I ended eating half of what I made in one go. I feel sick and fit to burst my eyes are bigger than my belly :-)

Why not print off a few of the toddler recipes you have found on this website that interest you and have go at making some of them.

Getting organized!

They are all simple to do and don't take a lot of time to cook. Like all things in life it's the getting the ingredients together before you can start that can take the time. So plan to make some of these nex


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